Sunday School begins at 9:45 a.m. each Sunday morning
The curriculum for our children's classes is from Desiring God ministries Children learn the bible from a God-centered perspective instead of a man-centered one. For example, they learn "How God Protected Noah When God Destroyed the Earth" instead of "Noah and the Ark".
God desires to reveal Himself through Scripture. When children begin to learn the various characteristics of God, they begin to understand who He is, who they are, and their ultimate responsibility to turn to Him through faith in Jesus Christ. Classes for younger children are set up by age and grade levels. A nursery is provided during the Sunday School hour for infants and younger toddlers.
Classes for older kids are also offered. Class members participate in book studies, digging deeper in God's word than when younger.
Adults have a choice of which class they desire to attend. Sunday School teachers will cover a book for a certain number of weeks, or utilize a video series and facilitate discussion.